
Fall family photos 20

I am wife to an awesome guy who loves me and all my crazy creative ideas.  It never stops amazing me how encouraging he is.  For the past seven years I have stayed home raising our three children who are 7, 5, and 2.  It has been the best job ever.  They are super energetic kids, full of life, and truly joyful.  They love to work along side my husband and I, and have no shortage of ideas themselves.

Though being a wife and mother are so important to me, I have felt a greater need to be creative over the last year.  As the kids grow a teensy bit older it has freed up some physical and mental energy for such things.  My primary role during the day is still to teach, nurture and care for our family; however, I feel like so much of what I want to teach them can be done by fanning my creative flame and inviting them along side of me.  I want them to learn to be hard workers, perserverent, inquisitive, curious, resourceful, appreciative of beauty, life long learners, and passionate.  Right now one of my goals is to model that through pursuing some of my passions as I care for them in the day to day.

I am a follower of Jesus Christ.  I believe we are made in the image of our Creator, God, and therefore all have the capacity for creativity.  I believe God has placed beauty all around us, and delights in our seeing it. I believe we are to use resources rightly and not for extravagance or waste.  My hope is that all my creative endeavors are a way to honor God and the gifts he has given and not to build up idols.

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